
<b><font color='SM9532'>Stainless steel carbon monoxide senso

SM9532 不锈钢一氧化碳传感器

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<b><font color='SM1650B'>RS485 interface 8-channel switch acq

SM1650B RS485接口8通道开关量采集模块

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<b><font color='SM2801M'>4-20mA current type soil moisture se

SM2801M 4-20mA电流型土壤水分传感器

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<b><font color='SR2510B'>RS485 interface TFT color screen 5 c

SR2510B-5 RS485接口TFT彩屏5通道SHT30温湿度记录仪

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<b><font color='SW2190D'>SW2190D  Wireless wifi illumination

SW2190D 无线wifi光照度、温湿度一体式传感器

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<b><font color='SM1635B'>RS485 current acquisition transmitte

SM1635B RS485 电流采集变送器

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<b><font color='SD6786B'>RS485 interface tower crane type win

SD6786B RS485接口塔吊式风速报警仪

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<b><font color='SD2130B'>RS485 display type hydrogen sulfide

SD2130B-H2S RS485显示型硫化氢传感器

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<b><font color='SM2801B'>RS485 bus interface soil moisture se

SM2801B RS485总线接口土壤水分传感器

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<font color='SM7003B'>Tipping bucket rain sensor</font>

SM7003B 翻斗式雨量传感器

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<font color='SD8251B'>The large-screen LED displays temperatu

SD8251B 大屏LED显示温湿度、光照度、土壤水分、土壤温度一体式看板

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<b><font color='SM2801B'>RS485 bus interface display type soi

SM2801BD RS485总线接口显示型土壤水分传感器

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<font color='SD8403B'>Large screen LED display temperature an

SD8403B 大屏LED显示温湿度、光照度、土壤水分看板

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<b><font color='SD2193T'>SD2193T    Network type PM2.5 and te

SD2193T SD2193T网络型PM2.5及温湿度一体式传感器

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<b><font color='SM1250B'>RS485 interface 16 channel switch ac

SM1250B-16 RS485 接口16路开关采集模块

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<b><font color='SD2185B'>RS485 wind speed display</font></b>

SD2185B RS485风速显示仪

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<b>Liquid pH sensor LED display</b>

SD2121B 液体pH值传感器LED显示

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<b><font color='SM3370B'>SM3370B    High precision infrared c

SM3370B RS485接口进口红外二氧化碳传感器

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<b><font color='SM2123B'>Industrial grade online sewage pH se

SM2123B 工业级在线式污水PH值传感器

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<b><font color='SM2120B'>RS485 interface pH sensor</font></b>

SM2120B RS485接口酸碱度值传感器

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<font color='SR9632N'>NB-IOT networked handheld soil moisture

SR9632N NB-IOT联网型手持式土壤水分记录仪

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<font color='SD8402B'>SD8402B   Large-screen LED display of t

SD8402B 大屏LED显示温湿度、光照度、CO2看板

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<font color='SD6711B'>LED high-precision temperature and humi

SD6711B LED高精度温湿度仪

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<b><font color='SD6710B'>LCD temperature and humidity display

SD6710B LCD温湿度显示仪

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