

KM3318 浊度传感器

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Ceiling-mounted smoke sensor

XM7571 电压、4-20mA电流、RS845吸顶式烟雾传感器

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<b>160 point RS485 interface DS18B20 temperature centralized

SD1200B-160 160点RS485接口DS18B20温度集中采集仪

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10-channel sht30 temperature and humidity acquisition module

SM1213B 10通道SHT30温湿度采集模块

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Temperature and humidity sensor

KM3313 温湿度传感器

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Outdoor small meteorological station data recorder

SR8853B 户外小型气象站数据记录仪

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Pitot tube pipe flow sensor

SM6883P 皮托管 管道流速传感器

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Multi-parameter color screen louver recorder

SD8835B 多参数彩屏百叶箱记录仪

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Color screen louver display

SD8844B 彩屏百叶箱显示仪

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Small weather station on a solar-powered cloud platform

QY0295 太阳能供电云平台小型气象站

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CAN bus wide range pipeline wind speed sensor

QM3788C CAN总线宽量程管道风速传感器

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Bus type vertical buried ground source heat pump temperature

SCA1000 总线式竖直地埋管地源热泵测温电缆

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Isolated USB-CAN converter

QG816 隔离型USB-CAN转换器

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Industrial-grade USB to RS485 or TTL converter

HD813 工业级USB转RS485或TTL转换器

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<b>RS485 Stainless steel evaporation sensor</b>

SM7002B RS485不锈钢蒸发量传感器

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Voltage output type fog gas concentration

YM5101V 电压型烟雾浓度传感器

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TTL to RS485 module

YM8209 TTL转RS485模块

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Temperature and humidity loggers

QR6813B 温湿度记录仪

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differential pressure transmitter

SM6883 微差压变送器

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12-channel temperature and humidity recorder

QR1212B 12通道温湿度记录仪

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ZIGBEE Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor

SZ2030C ZIGBEE无线土壤水分传感器

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Temperature and humidity sensor

SM7825B 温湿度传感器

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<b>Industrial grade USB to RS485 or TTL converter</b>

HD811 工业级USB转RS485或TTL转换器

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Sound and light alarm volume continuously adjustable Sound si

KA76B02 声光报警器 音量连续可调 声音大小调节 带开关 音量可调

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